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Dixons McMillan Academy

Eid Mubarak to all our students and families celebrating the festival of Eid ul-Fitr! The academy is open as usual on Monday 31.04.25. Please ensure you have called into the academy as per our usual absence procedures if your child will not be in school due to religious observance.

GDPR & privacy


The academy operates the following policy on its website regarding the use of photographs to ensure the privacy and safety of students:

  • Where students are named, only their first names are given
  • Where an individual student is named, no photograph of that student is displayed
  • Where a photograph is used which shows an individual student, no name is displayed

By observing these points, the academy ensures that visitors to the website cannot link images of students to names of students. When choosing photographs for the website, the academy is mindful of the way students may appear in them. We will not include images which are in any way inappropriate, such as close-up portrait shots of individual students.

No other private information about students is ever published on the website such as surnames or contact details.

Website Privacy

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors; our website privacy policy (created using an SEQ Legal template) sets out how we will treat your personal information.

General Data Protection Regulation

Dixons Academies Charitable Trust (incorporating academies within the Trust) are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under Registration Number: ZAO39907

For full details, visit our trust website GDPR (privacy) page.