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Dixons McMillan Academy

The academy will be closed to all staff and students on Friday 14 February for the Dixons Academies Trust annual conference. We will reopen to all staff and students at the normal time after the February half term break on Monday 24 February 2025

Our academy day

We run a longer academic week for students to maximise their progress and prepare them for the future in the world of work. From Monday to Friday, students attend lessons from 08.00 to 15.10. The total number of hours in school each week is 35 hours and 50 minutes per week. All students also take part in one after school extra-curricular activity once a week until 16.00. Corrections will run in 3x 30 minute slots after school, from 15.10 - 16.40. Lessons last 55 minutes every day apart from Tuesday, when lessons last 50 minutes. All students and staff follow a two-week timetable, with different lessons in Week A and Week B.

Students are required to be in the building and ready to learn by 08.00, with the gates closing at 07.58. Any students arriving after this time will need to sign in at the academy reception and main office and will serve an after school correction that day for not upholding our learning habit of punctuality.

Opening Times:

Monday to Friday

  • 06.30 - academy open to staff
  • 07.15 - academy open to students
  • 16.30 - academy library closed to students
  • 16.45 - all students to be off site
  • 17.00 - academy reception and main office closed
  • 18.00 - academy closed to staff