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Dixons McMillan Academy

The academy will close at 2:30pm on Wed 17.07.24 - please ensure your child has arrangements to get home safely at this time. Have a lovely summer!


Year 7 – September 2024

Year 7 places will be offered, via the local authorities, on 1 March 2024. Children who cannot be offered a place, due to there being more applications than there are places, will automatically remain on a waiting list until 31 December 2024. On the Admissions page you will find details of how many applications there were, and a breakdown of places by oversubscription criteria. If after reading the information you need clarification about why your child was not offered a place, please speak to the Admissions Office at the Academy.

Timeline for appeals:

  • Deadline for submitting an appeal form: Friday 12 April 2024
  • Appeals received by the deadline. The requirement for appeals to be heard is 40 school days. This means that appeals will be heard by 17 June 2024 wherever possible.
  • Appeals received after the deadline. The Trust will ensure that appeals are heard as soon as reasonably practicable and, where possible, before the start of the academic year.

In all cases parents will be given at least 10 school days’ notice of an appeal hearing.

Before submitting an appeal form, please read the information in the appeals FAQ as this explains the appeals procedures and provides information about the admissions process, waiting lists, frequently asked questions, and statistics.

The appeal form can be found here. If you are unable to complete this online form, please contact the appeals coordinator on the number below.


The Academy is currently full in each year group. Parents can apply for their child to join the waiting list; details of how to do this can be found on the Admissions page under the heading In-Year Admissions.

Before you can make an appeal, you must first have applied to the Academy for a place and have completed a recent In-Year Application Form for the local authority. Once you have received a letter advising you that a place cannot be offered, you can then proceed to make an appeal for the Academy if you wish to.

The Academy can only proceed to the appeals stage if the year group is full. Places are not ‘reserved’ for those whose appeals are upheld, so any upheld appeal will result in the year group being over the admission number.

Before making an appeal, please read the in year secondary appeals FAQ and appeals procedures which can be found at the bottom of this page.

To submit an appeal, please contact the appeals coordinator using the contact details below.

If you are unable to complete the form please telephone the number given below and ask to speak to the Appeals Coordinator. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to the address below stating:

  • your child’s name and date of birth
  • the name of the academy that you wish to make an appeal for

Contact details

Telephone: 01274 089780 – option 7


Appeals Guide FAQ 2024 (PDF)
Appeal Procedures (PDF)
Appeals FAQ Secondary In Year (PDF)