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Dixons McMillan Academy

Year 10 students visit the University of Cambridge

Posted 14th October 2024

Year 10 students of the Class of 2028 from Dixons McMillan and a number of other Dixons academies visited the University of Cambridge on Monday, hosted by Queen’s College. They had a fantastic time having a tour of the historic city and university buildings, with workshops from the Department of Physics and a visit to the world-famous Cavendish Laboratory. The Cavendish Laboratory has hosted many famous physicists, including Ernest Rutherford, James Chadwick, JJ Thomson and J. Robert Oppenheimer.

We were delighted that the workshops on university life were led by one of our own - Dixons McMillan alumna Zunaisha from the Class of 2024 - who has just started reading History for her undergraduate studies at Sidney Sussex College at the university. We look forward to seeing what these Year 10 students do now that they have seen one of the many summits that they could aim for in their mountain climb and hope to hear that they are starting their own university journeys this time in 2028!